Summary: |
The dynamic analysis (prospective), of products and systems, it is a methodological resource of the design that allows synthetically, and with great economy of investigation resources and time, to put in evidence the tendencies in the evolution of the object. Finally, the design strategies are defined as postures in front of these tendencies of evolution of the significant variables in the cycle of the product. Having as theoretical context the theory of systems,we explored the dynamic analysis of products and systems, taking their evolution along a temporary series that embraces a complete cycle, from the birth of the object until their maturation in the period of saturation of the market. Starting from the analysis of the evolution of the diverse subsystems, and the conflicts among the world of the necessities, (as pressure exercised from the context), and the technical agreement, it shows the evolutionary dynamics,the underlying conflicts to the logic of the system for each product. They are revealed to the design like a cultural operation that should keep in mind the processes of transformation of the mental representations of the object whose evolution should respect certain rules for its as, clearly such as the well-known maya threshold, (most advanced, yet accepted). |
Citation: |
Galán, B., Argumedo, C. and Paganini, A. (1999).
Possibilities of the Computer for the Simulation of the Designer's Constructive Strategies [Posibilidades de la computadora para la simulación de las estrategias constructivas del diseñador]. III Congreso Iberoamericano de Grafico Digital [SIGRADI Conference Proceedings] Montevideo (Uruguay) September 29th - October 1st 1999, pp. 74-78,