Summary: |
The experience to present is begun and developed during the academic year 1998, together to the course of IV pupils level of the Industrial Design career in the Universidad del Bío-Bío, labor that I have continued assuming during the present year, with a new youths generation. We have accomplished our academic work taking as original of study and base, the industrial and economic situation of the VIII Region, context in the one which we outline and we commit our needs formative as well as methodological to the teaching of the discipline of the Industrial Design. Consequently, we have defined a high-priority factor among pupils and teachers to reach the objectives and activities program of the course, the one which envisages first of all a commitment of attitude and integrative reflection among our academic activity and the territorial human context in the one which we inhabit. In Chile the activity of the industrial designer, his knowledge and by so much his capacity of producing innovation, it has been something practically unknown in the industrial productive area. However, the current national development challenges and the search by widening our markets, they have created and established a conscience of the fact that the Chilean industrial product must have a modern and effective competitiveness if wants be made participates in segments of the international marketing. It is in this new vision where the design provides in decisive form to consider and add a commercial and cultural value in our products. To the university corresponds the role of transmitting the knowledge generated in his classrooms toward the society, for thus to promote a development in the widest sense of the word. Under this prism the small and median regional industry in their various areas, have not integrated in the national arrangement in what concerns to the design and development of new and integral products. The design and the innovation as motor concept for a competitiveness and permanency in new markets, it has not entered yet in the entrepreneurial culture. If we want to save this situation, it is necessary that the regional entrepreneur knows the importance of the Design with new models development and examples of application, through concrete cases and with demands, that serve of base to demonstrate that the alliance among Designer and Industry, opens new perspectives of growth upon offering innovation and value added factors as new competitiveness tools. Today the communication and the managing of the information is a strategic weapon, to the moment of making changes in a social dynamics, so much at local level as global. It is with this look that our efforts and objective are centered in forming to our pupils with an integration speech and direct application toward the industrial community of our region, using the communication and the technological information as a tool validates and effective to solve the receipt in the visualization of our projects, designs and solutions of products. As complement to the development of the proposed topic will be exhibited a series of projects accomplished by the pupils for some regional industries, in which the three dimensional modeling and the use of programs vectoriales demonstrate the efficiency of communication and comprehension of the proposals, its complexity and constructive possibilities. |