Paper title: |
Technical specifications in the information managementsystem |
Authors: |
Maspoli R |
Summary: |
The result of the study is a software programme to develop and manage thetechnical specifications and to plan the quality control in the construction.The software programme can be described as a Project Data ManagementEnvironment (PDME). The PDME is built with different information level, to collectand standardise diversified information, coming from different bodies. Greatimportance has the interface, which should be simple, human like and easy to usefrom the sector operators.The study defines the structure and elements of the PDME, would promote thespreading out of information on technical specifications and quality control in theconstruction. |
Type: |
Year of publication: |
1997 |
Series: |
ecce:1997 |
Download paper: |
/pdfs/ecce-1997-353.content.pdf |
Citation: |
Maspoli R (1997).
Technical specifications in the information managementsystem. Sarja A (editor); Computers in the practice of building and civil engineering, Worldwide ECCE symposium; September 3-5, 1997, Finland,