Paper title: |
Modeling the pragmatic solution |
Authors: |
Agger K |
Summary: |
An architectural project, designed with a modeling system wasfollowed closely from sketching to detailed design, a report wasmade.Experiences on the use of a system with an architectural voca-bularium and architectural operations will be presented.The presentation will concentrate on how building modeling isfacilitated by the system's understanding of building and buil-ding parts, and the way they are built together to form rooms,and on facilities to represent details without modeling in fulldetail as a short cut in modeling.The pragmatic solution to the problem of CAAD-systems with archi-tectural knowledge is discussed in terms of current limitationsand further extensions. |
Type: |
Year of publication: |
1988 |
Series: |
w78:1988 |
2706-6568 |
Download paper: |
/pdfs/w78-1988-105.content.pdf |
Citation: |
Agger K (1988).
Modeling the pragmatic solution. Christiansson P, Karlsson H (ed.); Conceptual modelling of buildings. CIB W74+W78 seminar, October, 1988. Lund university and the Swedish building centre. CIB proceedings 126 (ISSN: 2706-6568),