Paper title: |
Education inrformation technology and the constructionindustry |
Authors: |
Ellenberg I M |
Summary: |
The acceptance of Information Technology (IT) has been growingwithin the construction industry for some time. This howeverhas been largely restricted to the design professionals,including architects and engineers - it has not (except in afew exceptions) had the same impact on the construction site.Parr of this can be traced back to the training. Mostarchitectural students are familiar with Computer AidedDrafting (GAD), whilst most engineering students areacquainted with the various related design packages. The samecannot always be said with respect to the buildingconstruction students.In the past building students have been taught computerprogramming related to some aspect of mathematics, engineeringor simple scheduling.Today this is changing with the emphasis on the applicationof computers and is demonstrated by the growing use ofspreadsheets adopted for specific reporting tasks through tothe use of aophisticated scheduling packages, estimatingpackages and so forth. This extends to development of databases for their own use and the use of service provided data.Most students today have access through their computerterminals at the University to world wide data banks, eitherat other university libraries through such services as AARNET(The Australian Academic Network) or other similar services.The access to CD Row information such as provided by StandardsAustralia has become one of the normal tools available tostudents. Facsimile and modem data exchange methods are parrof every day living.It can be expected that having graduated, the student willencourage their employer to provide similar services.Implementation of computer tendering as forecast forSingapore, will provide further encouragement for the employerto improve h i s commercial advantage. The growth of thewobfle telephone and facsimile is already widely accepted andIT is the logical next step. |
Type: |
Year of publication: |
1993 |
Series: |
w78:1993 |
2706-6568 |
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/pdfs/w78-1993-30.content.pdf |
Citation: |
Ellenberg I M (1993).
Education inrformation technology and the constructionindustry. Mathur K S, Betts M P, Tham K W (ed.); Pre-proceedings of the first international conference on the management of information technology for construction; Singapore, August 1993 (ISSN: 2706-6568),