Paper title: |
Product modelling to structure a aase library to case-based construction planning |
Authors: |
Tommelein I D, Dzeng R J |
Summary: |
The conceptual design of a case-based planner, named Caseplan, ispresented to plan and schedule construction activities by comparing a newfacility with those described in cases, and adapting the selected cases 'plans to suit the new construction needs. For effective case retrieval andnew case indexing, CasePlan relies on a product model, that describes aprototypical power plant facility. Each construction product in a project isa specialization of this product model. A library of construction techniquesand methods is also related to this product model. This well-structuredorganization of detail enables CasePlan to construct executable projectplans. This is in contrast to most other artificial-intelligence based plannersthat generate only least-commitment plans, which must be detailed furthermanually. CasePIan thus exploits the power provided by a well-structuredmodel to capture human expertise in design and construction planningcases, and demonstrates how such a product model can effectively be used.A operational prototype of CasePlan is currently being developed. |
Type: |
Year of publication: |
1993 |
Series: |
w78:1993 |
2706-6568 |
Download paper: |
/pdfs/w78-1993-38.content.pdf |
Citation: |
Tommelein I D, Dzeng R J (1993).
Product modelling to structure a aase library to case-based construction planning. Mathur K S, Betts M P, Tham K W (ed.); Pre-proceedings of the first international conference on the management of information technology for construction; Singapore, August 1993 (ISSN: 2706-6568),