Summary: |
The Geno project intent to participate in the development of the next generation of construction IT systems. Goals for this research should be to:* loose the design process from the production of design documents* free the geometry from orthogonal projection* make possible a full, variable, complete detailing without loosing consistency* move the development of building component specific IT modeling* tools closer to the end user* improve the efficiency and capability of these modeling toolsThe Geno project works with three developer / user layers:* GenoObjectClasses, the basic standardized data and functional structure, developed by IT specialists in a close dialog with the IAI IFC development.* ProtoObjectClasses: IT tools for modeling spaces, construction elements and parts. Developed by IT specialized architects,engineers, on the bases of Genotypes. Made available to the end user through Internet by component vendors.* PhenoObjects: spaces, construction elements and parts, specified, dimensioned and placed and interrelated by the designer, to be analyzed and supply project information for all participants in the construction and management process. Modeling, analyzing and information seeking and presentation done by Prototypes.The idea of this structure is to improve dynamic and user influence in IT modeling tool development.Thestandardized class structure for this, the GenoObjectClasses has to support three concurrent models, namely the:* SpaceModel, an interrelated surface model, a non detailed division of the project space in functional spaces (living room, kitchen,bath etc.) and construction spaces (foundation, wall, roof, slap etc.).* ComponentModel, a successive partitioning, ore filling theSpaceModel with building elements, components (facing wall, inner wall, insulation, window, door, ceiling, roof construction, inventory, furniture etc.), interrelated and related to the SpaceModel.* EntityModel, a similar fill to the Componentmodel with buildingparts (brick, joint, plaster, fitting, gutter etc.) to make a complete consistent productmodel possible.The "three model structure" to be filled out successively, add flexibility to the designprocess. When calculations and visualizations is performed the detailed model is used, but in areas with no detailing the model on the lower detailing level is used. This means that the total model will be "complete", if only the SpaceModel has been modeled.The development of GenoObjectClases will build as close as possible on IFC, and seek to expand IFC where it is nessesary.Status for the Geno project is that implementation has been started with AutoCAD ObjectARX. |