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Visual 4D planning and scheduling technique that combines 3D CAD models withconstruction activities (time) has proven benefits over traditional tools, such as barcharts and network diagrams. In 4D models, project participants can effectivelyvisualise and analyse problems regarding sequential, spatial, and temporal aspectsof construction schedules. As a consequence, more robust schedules can begenerated and hence reduce reworks and improve productivity. Currently, there areseveral working research prototypes and commercial software that have ability togenerate 4D model. However, two major issues arise regarding the current 4Ddevelopment approaches and the use of commercial software. These are the limitedfeasibility to large and complex projects, and inflexibility to incorporate moreconstruction problems (nD modelling) especially for process constraints such asspatial conflicts, and availability of information and resources.As a part of the VIRCON project, an EPSRC funded research, this paper introducesa pragmatic approach to develop extensible 4D visualisation using two real lifecase studies. ProVis, a 4D simulator, was developed using Visual Basic forApplications (VBA), accessing the integrated products and processes from theVIRCON database and produces 4D model in the AutoCAD environment. This 4Dtool is also integrated with a Critical Space Analysis (CSA) tool (another VIRCONtool) and is able to visualise spatial overload of the construction site. The paperdetails 4D development process based on the proposed approach and discussesefforts spent to convert general project information (2D drawings and schedules) to4D models. It is concerned that a little additional effort was needed to develop theextensible 4D model based on the proposed approach. In addition, no commercial4D software was used to achieve the visualisation process. |