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Papers authored by Leeuwen:
Van Leeuwen J P, Wagte H, Oxman R M (1995).
A feature based approach to modelling architectural information.
Fischer M A, Law K H, Luiten B(ed.); Modelling of buildings through their life-cycle; Stanford, August 1995
J Beetz, J P van Leeuwen & B de Vries (2005).
An Ontology Web Language Notation of the Industry Foundation Classes
P van Leeuwen J, M van Zutphen R H (1994).
Architectural product modelling a case study
Preproceedings, CIB W78 Workshop on Computer Integrated Construction, VTT, Espoo, Finland.
Jos van Leeuwen, Aart Wijnen, Niek Benschop, Martin Eeltink (2006).
Citizens And Public Services A Digital Dialogue Regarding Building Permits
Proceedings of the Joint CIB W78, W102, ICCCBE, ICCC, and DMUCE International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 14-16 June
de Vries B, van Leeuwen J P, Achten H H (1997).
Design studio of the future
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Fridqvist S, J van Leeuwen (2002).
Feature type recognition - implementation of a recognizing feature manager
Agger K (ed.); Distributing knowledge in building; Arhus, June 12 - 14, Denmark
P van Leeuwen J, Fridqvist S (2002).
On the management of sharing design knowledge
Agger K (ed.); Distributing knowledge in building; Arhus, June 12 - 14, Denmark
Jakob Beetz, Bauke de Vries, Jos van Leeuwen (2007).
RDF-based distributed functional part specifications for the facilitation of service-based architectures
Van Leeuwen J P, Fridqvist S (2002).
Supporting Collaborative Design by Type Recognition and Knowledge Sharing
Electronic Journal of Information technology in Construction, Vol. 7, pg. 167-182.
Jakob Beetz, Jos van Leeuwen, and Bauke de Vries (2006).
Towards A Topological Reasoning Service For IFC-Based Building Information Models In A Semantic Web Context
Proceedings of the Joint CIB W78, W102, ICCCBE, ICCC, and DMUCE International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 14-16 June
J van Leeuwen, Hendricx A, Fridqvist S (2001).
Towards dynamic information modelling in architectural design
Coetzee G, Boshoff F (ed.); IT in construction in Africa 2001; Mpumalunga, 30 May - 1 June, South Africa; ISBN 0-7988-5531-2
hosted by University of Ljubljana
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