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Series title:
Information Technology Support for Construction Process Re-Engineering
14th International Conference of CIB W78 Information Technology Support for Construction Process Re-Engineering, CIB Publication 208, Cairns, Australia, July 9-11, 1997.
Robin Drogemuller
Papers from this series:
Betts M (1997).
Information technology for construction
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Cooper G, Rezgui Y, Hayes P, Jackson M, (1997).
Notification and change propagation support in aconcurrent, multi-actor environment
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Dai W, Oakes S (1997).
Knowledge-based code checking programfor building design
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Debras P, Zarl A, Amar V, Poyet P (1997).
The distributed information service in the VEGA project: an approach towards the harmonisation of STEP, SGML and EDIFACT informationstandards for the support of integrated and distributed construction projectinformation systems.
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
de Vries B, van Leeuwen J P, Achten H H (1997).
Design studio of the future
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Hazlehurst G, Pitt T, Buxton R (1997).
Implementation of single building modelling technologies into themanagement phase of the property cycle
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Ito K, Kano Y (1997).
3-D graphical simulation for crane planning using object-orientedbuilding product model
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Junge R, Beetz K, Liebich T (1997).
Product data model and implementation strategies for adistributed environment
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Kaitanen K (1997).
Java based solution for generic product data browsing
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Kiviniemi A, Lautanala M, Kaitanen K (1997).
VERA - information networking in the constructionprocess
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Kumaraswamy M H (1997).
Repackaging construction megaprojects and redefiningtechnology transfer
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Laptali E, Bouchlaghem N, Wild S, (1997).
A computer model for time and cost optimisation during pretenderstage
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Akinci B, Staub S, Fischer M (1997).
Productivity and cost analysis based on a 4d model
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Leijten E, Vastert E, Maas G (1997).
Knowledge aspects of construction planningredesign
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Leung T W W, Fong S W, Shen Q P G (1997).
Development of a knowledge-based system for strategic costplanning of construction projects in hong kong
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Line L (1997).
Virtual engineering backbone - coordination by design
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Mak S (1997).
An intranet-based integrated construction project management system
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Mokhtar A, Bédard C, Fazio P (1997).
A methodology for dynamically assembling andmodifying an active-repository building database
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Myllymäki R (1997).
Demands made on the it organisation by businessprocess re-engineering
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Naaranoja M (1997).
Strategic decisions in computer aided designdevelopment
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Newnham L, Parand F, Amor R, Nisbet N (1997).
The ARROW framework for a building object warehouse
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
O'Brien M J (1997).
The role of adaptive software in businessprocess re-engineering
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Andersson N (1997).
Re-engineering of the project planning processstrategic implementation of project management software
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Rezgui Y, Cooper G, Bjoerk B-C, Escudie J-C (1997).
From construction product information to consistent projectdocumentation: the CONDOR approach
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Rowlinson S (1997).
Construct IT - do we need it?
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Scott S, Assadi S (1997).
Towards an electronic site diary
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Stuurstraat N (1997).
A design tool with integrated knowledgeand code checking for concrete beams
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Tah J H M, Howes R, Carr V (1997).
Towards a case-based reasoning framework for construction projectplanning and control
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Turk Z (1997).
Software agents and robots in construction:an outlook
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Underwood J, Alshawi M (1997).
Integrating project estimating, interim valuation, maintenanceforecasting, and physical interference detecting
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Walker D H T, Betts M (1997).
Information technology foresight:the future application of theworld wide web in construction
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Wix J, Bloomfield D (1997).
Standards for information exchange and sharing:business benefits
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Archer G O, Futcher K, McMahon M A (1997).
Multi-participant project informationmanagement system
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Wix J, Liebich T (1997).
Industry foundation classesarchitecture and development guidelines
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Yogeswaran K, Kumaraswamy M M (1997).
Rejuvenating contract documentation- to reflect realistic risk allocations
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Yum K-K, Drogemuller R (1997).
Managing dynamic life-cycle-dependent buildingobjects in a distributed computing environment
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Yusuf K O, Smith N J, Tizani W, Nethercot D A (1997).
Enabling technologies in integrating design andconstruction
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Björk B-C (1997).
INFOMATE: a framework for discussing informationtechnology applications in construction
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Augenbroe G, Amor R (1997).
Project control in integrated building design systems
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Baldwin A N, Thorpe A, Carter C (1997).
An information exchange measurement matrix for construction organisations
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Boughton G, Futcher K, Torbet E (1997).
Project-information-management-systemsdeployed in anticipation of disputes on multicontract,non-traditional infrastructureprocurement
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
Christiansson P (1997).
Experiences from developing a buildingmaintenance knowledge node.
Drogemuller R (editor); International council for building research studies and documentation. workshop (1997, Cairns) Information technology support for construction process reengineering Proceedings of CIB workshop - w78 “Working commission on information technology in construction” and tg10 “Task group on computer representation of design standards and building codes”, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, July 9th-11th, 1997; ISBN 086-443-636X
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